Use the Manitoba’s child support calculator on this page to get a base amount of what a monthly child support payment could be. Manitoba is one of the few provinces where their own child support guidelines take precedent over that of the federal child support guidelines. This is provided that both the parents live in Manitoba.
Simply enter the annual gross income of the paying parent into the first space of Manitoba’s child support calculator then enter the number of children involved via the drop-down menu below. After you click on calculate, Manitoba’s child support calculator will then provide you with the base amount of child support per month that may be paid.
For shared custody and spousal support calculations, or to calculate support for special expenses like child care or activities, try the
Divorcepath child support calculator.

Manitoba has taken the initiative to allow for easy recalculation of child support through their child recalculation service. The premise and purpose behind this idea is to reduce the amount of times parents have to come to court in order to have things formally amended by a judge. Parents may still be required to come to court if the circumstances are beyond any normal occurrence where recalculation can be easily made.
Manitoba’s child support calculator is meant to be an informative guide only and should not be constituted as a replacement for qualified legal advice. If you need assistance with respect to Manitoba’s child support guidelines or any other matter related to Manitoba family law, you are encouraged to contact a lawyer in your area. If you feel you might not be able to afford a lawyer, contact Legal Aid Manitoba for information on how to apply for assistance. If you are planning to represent yourself, visit your local Manitoba Provincial Court Office or the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench Office for information. The Manitoba Courts may have pamphlets which can assist you.