Child Support Calculator

for Nunavut

Calculate Child Support
Nunavut Child Support Calculator

Calculate child support for the Territory of Nunavut using this calculator. Simply enter the paying parent's income in the form below, together with the number of children.

If you have a shared custody arrangement or special expenses to calculate (i.e. child care, medical costs) use the Divorcepath child support calculator.

Nunavut FlagThere is almost no information available online regarding child support claims in Nunavut. Indeed, there appear to be very limited resources available to assist claimants in bringing or enforcing their claims. This is perhaps unsurprising given the small population of the Territory, however should you identify a resource in this area we would love to hear about it - please email us at [email protected].

We strongly recommend that you contact a family lawyer who practices in Nunavut for more information on bringing a child support claim in the Territory of Nunavut.

Nunavut Child Support Posts
No post available
Nunavut Child Support Resources
Child Support Calculator

Child support calculator for families with split custody and shared custody. You can also use it to calculate spousal support.

Child Support Calculator
Nunavut Family Services

The Territory of Nunavut Family Services Department can assist with the collection and enforcement of child support orders in Nunavut.

Nunavut Family Services
Other Calculators

The Canada Child Support Guidelines set out child support tables specific to each province and territory. We've made child support calculators specific to each province: